You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.2. Setting up and Configuring POS > 4.2.1. Setup and Configuration Procedure > Setting Up PC EFTPOS and PIN Pad > Installing PC EFTPOS and PINpad (Preferred Option)
Installing PC EFTPOS and PINpad (Preferred Option)


Technical Tip

This is the preferred installation option, however it can’t be used when running Terminal Services over a wide area network. If you need to install PC EFTPOS on a wide area network, refer to "Installing PC EFTPOS and PINpad (Wide Area Network)".

The following document is based on the installation of an ANZ PC EFTPOS. When installing this PINpad, PC EFTPOS was installed with PINpad but EMS remote access was not installed.

Software required:

PC EFTPOS Network Diagram

  1. Connect and install PINpad per manufacturer's/bank's instructions.
  1. Identify which machine will have the modem connected. This can be the server.
  1. Install PC EFTPOS on the server.  If the modem is connected here, then install the EFT Server.  If you have the modem on a client machine, then you need to install the EFT Server on the client machine.
  1. Stop the PC EFTPOS service.
  1. In the login script, add the following:


if "%clientname%"=="CLIENTMACHINENAME1" goto client1

if “%clientname%”==”CLIENTMACHINENAME2” goto client2

goto exitlogin



echo on

net use com5: /d

net use com5: \\client\com1:


cd \pc_eft

start eftclnt localuser

start eftcltcp /port:5000

goto exitlogin



Echo on

Net use com6: /d

Net use com6: \\client\com1:


Cd \pc_eft

Start eftclnt localuser

Start eftcltcp /port:5001

Goto exitlogon




Technical Tip

  • Terminal Services: the command is \\tsclient\com1.
  • You cannot have two users on the same network port; each machine needs a different COM port mapped and a different port number.
  1. Install the EFTSRV software on the machine with the modem connected. You must then configure the modem.
  1. Ask the user to log in.  Double click the PC EFTPOS client (not the TCP client or the EMS client).  You can set the COM port, the printer and host interface which is where the modem is connected to.

EFTPOS/PC Client Settings

The icon will turn green.

  1. Configure the PINpad according to manufacturer's/bank’s instructions.
  1. Ensure new Micronet registration codes have been loaded and EFTPOS has been enabled.  Lanes are the number of PINpads required.

Enable a Package

  1. In Micronet, setup a payment type of EFTPOS and additional payment types for all credit cards to be used.

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Payment Types"

Enter Payment Types

  1. In POS, add the PINpad to the cash register file.

Refer to "Cash Register File Update Screen - Menu Options".

  1. If processing payments through MDS, add the PINpad to the user in the EFTPOS Pinpad field on the User File Update screen - Main tab.

Refer to "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 1. Main".


Technical Tip

When entering the expiry date for payments, the format should be MMYY.